Your Unique Home Based Business Opportunity IdeaIn this talk we will cover a unique home based business opportunity arising from selling large income items. Would you prefer to earn $25 per sale, or $1,000 each time you make a sale, if you had a goal to earn $120,000 per year. Big ticket, or high income items, typically generate a profit of $1,000 or greater per sale. Most less experienced internet marketers will shy away from selling this type of product, although for anyone they could actually be a great method to get started as a result of the profit made per sale. A general rule is that a person needs to see a product as many as 12 times before they are actually ready to make a purchase. This could even be more because of the amount of money involved in these type of purchases. If this is the case, then you should understand that you have a unique home based business opportunity selling big-ticket items, but you cannot refer traffic directly to your selling page. A better way to do it is to send traffic to a landing page and then capture their contact information for future follow up. Follow up is the key to making this type of a home business opportunity work. You cannot count on a person bookmarking your website and coming back on their own. You need to take a more proactive approach and be contacting them on a regular basis, keeping your name and your product in front of them. You do this by using an auto responder to e-mail to your prospects. Auto responders allow you to quickly and easily create a form that captures the person's name, e-mail address, and any other information that you want. Your customer fills out their details, these are directed to the autoresponder, and they receive a sequence of pre-written, planned messages as a follow up. Many products that you sell as a big-ticket item have prewritten messages already in place for you. You simply transfer these to your new autoresponder, add your own personal feel to them, and you are up and running, waiting for your first customer. This is a very specialised field, and this is what makes it so unique. You eliminate the majority of your competition when you sell big-ticket items, because most Internet marketers are not selling anything. By utilizing this approach of a landing page, and autoresponder for follow-up, you increase the odds of making more sales and making your unique home based business opportunity profitable in the long run. Alan Thomas is a successful business owner who has helped many people develop their own home business. You can find more information on Unique Home Based Business Opportunity and Popular Business eBooks
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