Utilize Your Blog For the Best Online Business OpportunityEstablishing and maintaining a blog can offer you the best online business opportunity to make money. They are easy to create and update. You can create a blog at a place like or for no cost to you. It is important to write about topics that you are passionate about, that are popular and have a good history of online searches. By using the free google keyword tool you can check for the popularity of the main keywords in your topic. The next step is to add content to your blogs that is relevant to your site. Make sure that the content is original and also of high quality. You are better off having a few pages of good content than a lot of pages with mediocre content. If you already own a site it is easy to add a blog using wordpress. After you have some good posts on your blog, start visiting some other similar blogs and leave useful comments with links back to your site. Notify as many people you know that might be interested in your blog. Remember that people like to talk about good websites they like so if people like your blog its popularity will grow over time. There are many ways you can monetize your blog. One of the most popular methods is adsense. It is a good idea to add at least one ad above the fold as this will help to attract high click through rates but is important to not flood your blog with ads. When adding adsense try to blend the link color of the ads with the main link color of your blogs. Also avoid using borders because this will help to get your ads noticed and improve the click through rates. A good idea is to add related affiliate links. There are many high quality affiliate programs out on the internet. Use affiliate banner ads that are rich in text content as these tend to get more clicks than banner ads that have little text content. You can also add a subscription box that will let visitors subscribe via e-mail to your blog posts. You can get this kind of add on from www.feedburner. com. Also be sure to create your own custom feed for your blog from this site too. You should add a bookmark button to your blog as this will encourage people to spread the word about posts they like. Visit www. to get this type of bookmarking button. You can also send traffic to your blogs using pay per click advertising however be sure to watch your budget closely. Using these methods will ensure that you have the best online business opportunity available to you while using your blog. Copyright (c) 2008 Jim Suzak. The author is a professional internet marketer that utilizes some of the best online business opportunities and has achieved residual income success through this method. Check-out his website Residual Income Opportunities for more details and get your FREE online business opportunity newsletter, so you can also realize your dreams while working in the comfort of your home. -->
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