How To Use Articles To Build Your Mailing ListWe will assume that you understand the importance of building your own list to market to. There are many different ways to do this and one of those is write and submit your articles online. In this article we will talk about how to use articles to build your list. You can build your list writing and submitting articles and you may not have even realized it. What you do is you write and submit articles on things you know something about or you can research them. You then submit them to article directories where ezine publishers, webmasters, and visitors are looking for information. Leveraging your articles to use them to market can pay off my writing and submitting many of them. What you are doing is showcasing your worth and expertise on a topic through the articles you write. So, how do you build your mailing list doing this? Every article can contain a resource box on the bottom of your articles. In this bio box you can include your website address and a little bit about you or your products. One way that has proven to be very effective is to have the website address in your resource box lead to a landing page where you can collect the contact information from your visitor. You can trade something for free in return for their name and e-mail address. This form goes to your autoresponder and then they are provided the information that they have requested. Your autoresponder then becomes your follow-up mechanism in the way that you build your list for future follow-up. If your article is good other e-zine publishers will put it in their newsletters, which can allow you to get more subscribers to your list as well. This is really help viral marketing is meant to work. The best way for this to work is by writing quality articles and including an interesting bio box. This is a very nonthreatening way for people to request more information by clicking on your link and then opting in to your list. The people who do the best with this are people who write lots of articles. If you can get 10 subscribers with one article, then how many could you get with hundreds of articles. And how you really factory in the results that come from the viral marketing your articles can give you! This is a real quick brief overview on how to use articles to build your list. If you will commit some time to do that on a daily and weekly basis you can build a large mailing list of your own. Richard van Beek, an internet marketer from Europe, is a home-business growth consultant and a Wealthy Marketer. He is building a very successful home-business from scratch with the every-day-learning mindset. To learn more, just go directly to his website here now: ===>
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